Tom Lilley Bars - I work in an Edinburgh cocktail bar part time, and study English Language at Edinburgh Uni. This blog is about the drinks I make/encounter/hear about, and general bartending banter. x

Friday 27 May 2011

Well hello there!

Well first of all I should probably mention the new website! Visit this >>
Very exciting, made with for absolutely free. The whole blog/twitter/website thing is quite new to me, after working in bars for the past 3 years I started doing private bar hire and now want to try generate a bit more work for myself. Hopefully the blog will take off, promoting the website and I'll get more jobs out of it.

This blog is more about me, my cocktails, interesting things I've found during the week at work :) I think I'll talk about a different cocktail each week, maybe get some photos of it being made, add in some randoms I deem interesting and take it from there.

Will be tweeting bit and bobs as they happen on @TomLilleyBars No doubt something good will happen in the next 72 hours - working a brutal combo of 5pm-1am tonight, 10am-1am sat, and 2pm-1am sun. I used to think I was part time...